
Here is a link to our free dance from this week so you can enjoy dancing all week long!

Why should you dance for your child?  If your child does not show interest in dancing why not just sit down?

Dancing with your teaches them to put rhythm into the lower half of their body.  This is a huge development for kids and adults!  The ability to put the beat in your feet will help with coordination, sports, and dancing!
So whether you are holding your child while you dance, dancing while they sit and watch, or dancing with your child, make sure you dance and move those feet!

We are all born with ability to move and, nurtured in a proper developmental environment, that movement will change from our own rhythm to one that matches the music we hear and we are making.  We can first express rhythms with our voice, then we learn to put that rhythm in the top half our bodies, and lastly we learn to express it in the lower half of our bodies.  This is called the cephalocaudal trend. 

"The cephalocaudal trend is the trend of infants learning to use their upper limbs before their lower limbs."

Some people never develop the ability to keep the beat in their feet.  Even if your dance ins't "correct" you are still showing your child that it is OK and good to dance and move.  So turn up the music and dance this week at home!