Songs From the Summer Session

I encourage all of you who took the Summer session to continue playing with the Summer collection over the next month.

In class we worked on call and response with Obwisana and Singin' Every Day.  Continue playing with this concept by singing a little bit and waiting for your child to the next part back to you.  Once you know a song really well this is a fun game to play.  If you are not comfortable trying call and response with these songs pick a song you and your child both enjoy and try the game.

We also worked on singing a simple round.  In the Fall session we sang Frere Jacques in a round and this session Hey Ho Nobody Home.  You can sing in a round with another adult or older children, or if that is not a possibility then sing in a round with the CD.  Let the singer on the CD start first and then you come in next.  If you are not sure where to come in look at the song in your Music Together book, it marks where the second person is to come in with a *.

Another concept we work on this past week in class was adding an ostinato to a piece.  An ostinato is repeated part that accompanies a song.  With the chant Here is A Bunny we added ostinatos with the words hop, ha, and sounds for making a circle.  These also correlated to different beats to move to with the music.  Ostinatos are a lot of fun to make up!

I mentioned that my family is currently enjoying a beginning Latin book.  It is called

Sing Song Latin

.  Learning Latin through song is perfect for us!

Here are some of the extra songs we danced and played instruments to in class this session:

We danced (with the parachute) to the

ABC song

from the Baby Loves Jazz CD.  I like the songs on this CD.  It's worth checking out

We tiptoed, kicked, and wiggled to the

Can Can

We played instruments along with Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy

And we danced along with Kingdom Dance from
