Feudalism Friday

Our first Friday with Friends study for Cycle 2 this year will be Feudalism.  This topic goes along with week 2 History, William the Conqueror.

This post has the lesson plan and resources that I will use with the Journeyman and Masters level students (outside of community day) so you can use these resources too.   I will add another post after we complete the study so you can see how our event turned out. 

We will start our study by reading about Feudalism to make sure all of the students know what it is, and what each persons title in a feudal society meant.  https://www.teachervision.com/tv/printables/goodyear/MiddleAges_2-9_key.pdf

After discussing feudalism we will create a feudal pyramid together on a large white board. 

Next each child will receive a roll identification card using this resource:   http://www.classroomzoom.com/lessons/dl/?id=386&asPdf=1&fgid=

Once each student know's what part of the feudal system they belong to, I hope we can have them all dress the part too!  After that we will play the feudal M&M's games that is part of the above resource.  

This resource for a classroom set up looks good too.  I might incorporate some ideas from this one as well.  It would be fun for the Master's class to do on community day!  file:///C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/Amys%20Printing/Cycle%202%20Friday%20with%20Friends/Feudal%20Classroom.pdf

This video is not overly entertaining.  However, if you want to do the feudalism M&M simulation and you don't want to read about it via the link above this might be a helpful resource.  

The video below is fun to watch.  It also might spark some good discussion about timeline, when historical events happened, and if they really happened exactly how this video portrays them or not.