Start and Stop Music Games to Make Your Day Easier


A toddler's job is to toddle, walk, and run.  Every day they are working on these fun new large motor skills they have acquired.  While you were probably thrilled when your little one took their first steps, you may now be chasing them and attempting to keep them out of trouble most of the time.  

All of that movement is purposeful, and can be guided.  You can use music to alter the quick speed your child may typically be moving at.  Young children love moving quickly.  Start at the speed they want to move at and then slow it down.  Change your movement to a stomp, march, skip, or large jump.  This simple trick change a terrible shopping trip into a controllable one for you and your little one.  Sing one of your favorite songs and to help guide your little ones movement while you shop.  Ridin' in the Car is as great song for such an activity from this Music Together collection.  You can easily change the words ridin' in the car to marchin' through the store.  You can also switch from duple to triple meter and watch the change in movement that takes place.  (If you are in my Music Together or preschool class we will work on this later in the session).  

Ridin' in the Car is also on Music Together's Family Favorite's CD.  Click the link below to get it!

Start and stop music games are also a favorite of mine.  They can be a lifesaver with a toddler as well.  The game is as simple as it sounds.  You start and then stop!  If you are singing and moving to  Ridin' in the Car then you simply make the car screech to a halt.  This can be quite helpful if your child wants to go fast all the time!  Spin and Stop also is a great song to use from this Music Together collection.  You can change spin to any action you desire.  Run and stop, dance and stop, march and stop, etc.  Spin and Stop is also available on the Family Favorites CD linked above.  

I urge you to find a few start and stop songs that you and your child love so you can pull them out when you need to ease a hard day.