Music and the Olympics (Music/Movement Lesson for Preschool and Elementary School)
/Aly Raisman's floor routine was choreographed to the the Russian Sailors Dance by Reinhold Gliere. I love using this piece of music to move to and explore musical contrasts with when I'm teaching music. The songs theme keeps coming back and is easy to identify, but the style changes. In preschool music classes (and even upper elementary) we have fun identifying the musical contrasts, and discussing and acting out ways to move based on what the music sounds like.
Moving to music with your children will help them develop a good sense of rhythm. Model how to put the beat in your feet. Mirror your child's movement ideas as well.
If you missed it, enjoy watching gymnast Aly Raisman's floor routine here.
Here is a way to move to to Russian Sailors Dance in your music class:
Beginning - 0:19 Wiggle, warm up
0:19-0:56 - Half note, large steps, like a monster, sneaky
0:57-1:14 - Legato, smooth, skating, ballet
1:15-1:29- Staccato, quarter notes, light, fairies, happy
1:30-1:40 Marcato, accented, quarter notes, powerful, excited
1:41-1:57 Half notes, powerful, marcato
1:58-2:13 Eighth notes, staccato, sneaky, light
2:15-2:23 sixteenth notes, Allegro, excited, speedy
2:24-end choose what beat to feel, half note, quarter note, eighth note, there's a lot going on now. I like to end with a lot of wiggling, similar to how we began.
If you have older students you can have them identify the instruments being played and more musical terms associated with each part of the music. Make sure you ask kids of any age what they think the music sounds like. Don't just give them all of your answers and be done. Kids come up with some awesome ideas.